• 1x Head Pillow that helps with cervical alignment (a.k.a. keeps your spine in the perfect position)
• 1x Right Side Pillow that reduces stress on the lumbar spine and encourages the 45° sleep position for those who prefer sleeping on their left side
• 1x Left Side Pillow that functions the same as the right side pillow, but for those who like sleeping on their right side
• 1x Right Knee Pillow that keeps your hips aligned while taking pressure off your lower back and joints for those who snooze facing the right
• 1x Left Knee Pillow that functions the same as the right knee pillow but for those who dream while facing the left
• 1x Arm Pillow that places your arm in the ‘open packed position’, preventing poor sleep posture and stress on the shoulder
• 1x large strap that holds the two sides together and can be adjusted to your unique body width
• 2x sewn-in straps that allow you to adjust the length based on your height, conveniently stashed in the built-in pockets on both the right and left knee pillows for easy access